Faith Based

Non-Denominational Not for Profit Organisation


Eph 2:10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.

Jesus tells us in the parable of the sower that our mission can send the seeds out to the world and very few will germinate into saving souls. As some seeds fall on the wayside and birds of the air will come and devour them. Some fall on stony ground where it doesn’t have much earth. Some seeds will fall amongst thorns and be chocked by them. But other seed falls on good ground that yielded a crop that springs up and increases and produces some thirty fold some sixty and some one hundred. The Peter & Paul’s Mission Leadership Team must strive always to make sure all the Lords money is invested wisely. That we endeavour to throw seed on good farming land, the strategy to achieve this is what we call the welcome wagon. [Matthew 13:3]

 The Missions promotions,  run by the Media Committee, direct all new comers to register with the welcome wagon. When registering with the Peter and Paul’s Mission we keep in touch with these people as they are more likely to return to the world in the first six months. As that is where they will feel most comfortable, especially in the first couple of weeks. The welcome wagon holds a family BBQ/ dinner where all new attendees are invited to come together to discuss their personal journey. The welcome wagon puts people at ease letting them know it’s quite  normal to feel uncomfortable to start off with,  as the church congregation have journeyed much further than new comers. By bringing all new comers together people feel more comfortable and less intimidated. The Peter and Paul’s Mission place people into groups similar to home groups. These groups then try different churches, people draw much comfort going to new churches with fellow recruits that have been attending church the same amount of time they have. This empowers newcomers  to not be intimidated by veteran or Special Forces worshippers. The new believers when they feel comfortable, leave the welcome wagon either individually or as a group to join a particular church as the Holy Spirit leads them. Peter & Paul's Mission welcomes new groups regularly these groups of new believers help each other with moral and group support. Peter and Paul’s Mission believe this program invests the Lords dollars wisely. Having our Brothers and Sisters come out of the world, back into church only to become alienated and move back into the world. With different Brothers and Sisters coming month after month, we do the Lord no service by allowing these Brothers and Sisters to return to the world. We believe the Welcome Wagon will be sowing seeds in good soil.

Peter and Paul’s Mission engage in regular marketing campaigns targeting the people that the Lord is calling to repent. As the Lord is continually calling people, we  continually reach out though our ongoing campaigns.

The Leadership Team is responsible for putting together and supervising the campaigns.The Leadership Team have a group of dedicated professionals known as the Media Committee who represent them in-between monthly meetings.

People who are feeling lost, led, confused, hurt, and inquisitive will notice the Leadership Teams ongoing campaigns. Let’s look at an illustration of the Leadership Team marketing budget taken from the Stage 2 plan.

They could open an office in a good location that would cost around $800 per week or $41,600

They could buy three new fleet cars that would cost $28,800

They could buy a full page add in the Cairns Post every Saturday that would cost $104,000

They could run two large billboards signs on the north & south HI ways of Cairns $52,800

They could put a colour leaflet in every letterbox in town every week $148,400

Producing full colour leaflets and distributing them to every house and unit in town and

backing them up with a full page colour advertisement in the Cairns Post every week-end,

this is witnessing on a SUPER-POWER scale

The Evangelising Committee {see constitution}  fund and run Toyota Coaster type buses which are twenty-one seaters, they are  WELCOME WAGONS.

The multiple campaigns being run by the many different Sectors through the Ambassadors Committee  culminate in a Sector BBQ in a local park. While the Sector responsible for that zone of Cairns hosts the BBQ two important mission committees are present. The first is the Ambassadors Committee or representatives of the committee the second is the Evangelising Committee with their Welcome Wagon.

The Evangelising Committee invites people who are interested in finding God to join the Welcome Wagon in its ongoing quest to find God [editors note, Gods not lost, they are]

The Evangelising Committee  hosts dinners, barbeques and other gatherings at video nights, church events etc. bonding people together.

The mission sends letters out to all churches in turn who have diplomats registered with the Peter and Paul’s Mission, and Sectors that are active and recognised.

The letter  informs the church leadership that the Peter and Paul’s Mission have a bus load {God willing} of believers that we wish to introduce to their church. These new believers are registered in a Peter and Paul’s Mission course “finding God”.  The Welcome Wagon wants to send them to your church regularly over the next twelve months, with a view of the Holy Spirit Settling them in a local church.

The Church that hosts the Welcome Wagon the following week must put on lunch for the Welcome Wagon of new believers. This allows the new believers to meet brothers and sisters from the church that they will worship with next week, encouraging relationships to develop easier and quicker.

The Evangelising Committee host dinners BBQ’s to find out where the New Believers wish to revisit, breaking them down into smaller groups that are led by the Holy Spirit to a particular church. We endeavour to throw seed on good farming land; the strategy to achieve this is what we call the Welcome Wagon.